Dear College Applicants,
Get Ready To:
-Capture Attention.
-Learn How To Stand Out.
-And Get Your College App Essays DONE.
Get Ready To:
All Before Your Apps Are Due.
How The Essay Academy Works
Step 1: Complete the Pre-Work
In the College Essay Boot Camp you will learn the mindset, perspectives, strategies you need to THINK more effectively as a college applicant. Here we cover the major obstacles, and the secret traits that automatically make you stand out to reviewers!
Once you have completed the Boot Camp we then....

Step 2: One-on-One Strategy Sessions
That's right, you and me. 1-1. Not a class of other students listening in, not just communicating through a chat bot, no generic pre-recorded videos... its you and me, and I guide you through a series of deep dive exercises to help you influence people using "The Influence Mindset". We will discover three key things:
1. Your Value
2. Your Direction
3. Your Purpose
With these three key pieces of information we then...

Step 3: Map Out Your Essays with the STAIIIR Method TM
Did you know there is a proven formula for college application essays that is guaranteed to make your essay show you have direction, and momentum? There is and it's called the STAIIIR MethodTM. After reviewing thousands of applications, I saw how master communicators used this basic format... and their essays popped! When we map out your essays we will look at each of them from a 30,000 ft view and make sure they include the strongest points about your story. Then we move on to...

Step 4: Writing and Draft Revisions
With all our prep work done, you are ready to write! In the academy there are three draft revision stages and each stage includes two weeks where you will write the drafts of all your essays. Then, you'll submit them to me and I'll do a hybrid essay review and provide helpful suggestions, insights, and personalized feedback. Once you have a clear vision of what to do for improvement, you move on to the next stage of writing.

Step 5: Final Review And Submit!
You've done it! All your hard work has paid off! After all the draft revision stages, we will do a final essay review and you'll get the "all clear" to submit. But this isn't just a normal essay review, we will run through your entire application to make sure the messaging is on point and telling YOUR story.
And just like that, you can start Senior year confident you have written the best essay of your life!

Essay Academy Weekly Time Commitment
- Expect 2-3 Hours a week Comprised of 1-1 Strategy Sessions, Guided Homework & Writing.
- Typically 1-1 Work Lasts 6 Weeks For 1 College Package.
- All Sessions & Assignments are Virtual, So You Can Do Them On Vacation!
Meet Your Mentor

Christian Hansen
As a former Associate Director of Admissions I've read thousands of applications and have coached hundreds of students on how to stand out in the college application process. I've watched these strategies get students into their dream school time, and time again. Better yet, these strategies, and "The Influence Mindset" you are about to learn will set you apart for college and beyond.
Which brings me to you…
This guided program will be filled with my best strategies on how to think, approach, and execute your college essays differently. In fact, I guarantee you will find our process together extremely insightful and transformative.
I look forward to working with you!
What My Former Students Are Saying:
Bottom Line:
In Only 2-3 Hours Per Week, You Will Learn How To:
1. Capture Attention
2. Establish Credibility
3. And Cultivate Influence
So you can stand out when EVERYONE ELSE is trying to stand out too.
College Essays Are DIFFERENT Than High School Essays
Learn The Hidden Obstacles That Will Ruin Your Chances. Most people who apply have no idea that these obstacles even exist, and it completely tanks their applications. These obstacles cripple the majority of applicants and prevent them from standing out from the crowd. Not only will you learn the obstacles, but simple and easy to implement strategies that will help you avoid them!
Discover The #1 Application Mistake People Make. The majority of students make a crucial (and easily avoidable) mistake in their applications and it ruins their chances. Effective communicators on the other hand know how to side step this simple error and stand out every time. You’ll learn what this is, and how to plan ahead!
Find Out My Top Application Strategy. This single strategy has helped more students refine their essays and get admitted than any other strategy I know. Knowing how to apply this will make you stand out from all other applicants, guaranteed.
Learn How To Find Your Purpose. Having a purpose driving your application is absolutely critical, but the problem is, most students have no idea where to start! I have a simple exercise that I teach parents and students to help them not only define their goals, but learn how to position themselves apart form everyone else.
Discover "The Influence Mindset". At the end of the day, if you want to get ahead, you have to influence people to choose you. And whether you want to use this skill to apply to college, a future career, or in other ways, I will teach you this new framework of thinking that will empower you to stand out and reach your goals!
Learn How To Write With Confidence
I've sat across the desk from thousands of students as I guided them through the college app process. I know the hidden obstacles you face and I know how to help you through them!
Discover The Secrets Of Standing Out. Just like the incontrovertible laws of physics help airplanes fly, there are also proven ways to help you stand out from a crowd. Learning these secrets is not only possible, but you can hone and improve them as well! That means your chances of success can improve over time!
Get Ready To Know My Pizza Principle Strategy. This one weird strategy has completely reframed the college application strategy for hundreds of students. It will help you cut the fluff, and focus on the things that are most important as you compose your college applications.
Master The Fundamental Law Of Success. There is a secret rule that if you follow, you will increase the odds in your favor. We will go over this perspective, and it will change your life! Every successful person I know has mastered this principle, and many others who are struggling have no idea this exists!
Learn How To Tell A Story That Will Influence Reviewers. Let’s face it, you’ve told stories before, but have you learned how to tell a story so that someone will choose you over someone else? Just as different environments require different survival strategies, the same goes for storytelling. Learning this skill will completely change your life.
Letter From Christian
I can’t wait to get to know you and work with you personally.
Enroll now and get ready to discover how to stand out from a crowd, and accelerate your chances for college admissions success.
Together We Will Discover Your Value, Direction, and Purpose.
Then, Go Use Your Purpose To Change the World.
Christian Hansen
P.S. I have LIMITED SPOTS available. That means NOW is the time to take action and get your seat reserved. No excuses. This is YOUR time to learn how to shape your future and I’m going to show you how to make the most of it.

Select Your Registration Option From Below:

Each Package Includes:
✔️Multiple 1-1 Sessions
✔️The STAIIIR MethodTM Training
✔️STAR Spacing Strategy Training
✔️Coaching on Letters of Recommendation
✔️Individual Career Prep and Guidance
✔️Personalized College Major Selection Help
✔️Training on "The Super Secret Sentences"
✔️Guided Mission Statement Exercise
✔️Campus Visit Coaching
✔️The Influence Mindset Guidance
✔️Application Interview Prep
✔️Multiple Draft Revision Edits
✔️Extensive Essay Feedback
✔️Final Review
3 College Success Package
- Everything You Need For 3 College Application Systems*
*The Common App, The UC System, The CES System... these each count as 1 application system. So you may apply to multiple universities in 1 system of applications.